Updates to the Extra Life Mobile Fundraising App
Version 3.0 of the Extra Life Mobile Fundraising App has been released with the goal of simplifying fundraising on-the-go. Here’s everything under the hood of the latest release:
- Color scheme changes to make the app brighter and more functional.
- Redesigned the homepage to make better use of space and modified the progress meters to be horizontal with the fill going left to right.
- Incorporated event tracking on all actions/buttons/links within the mobile and social app in order to provide greater tracking on user engagement.
Send Messages
- Snapchat is an additional channel that can be enabled. By default it will be disabled and must be enabled as part of the 5.0 upgrade. Provides users the option to share messages via pictures or videos. Snapchat content will be populated with existing Twitter content by default and can be modified.
- WhatsApp is an additional channel and will be enabled by default. WhatsApp content will be populated with existing SMS content by default and can be modified.
- When sharing messages via LinkedIn, users will have the option to share a message to their newsfeed or select one or more users from their connections to send a private LinkedIn message. A default image will no longer be shared with the message, but rather a preview of image/content from the URL that’s being shared. Note: this is the same as Facebook where the meta tags in the page-wrapper will dictate what the preview will show.
- When sharing a Facebook message users will have the option to share just content or a video as well.
- When sharing a Twitter message the image sizes have been modified to comply with Twitter’s new policy.
- Now that additional channels are available, users will have the ability to select which channels they prefer to choose from so that only those relevant channels are displayed when sending messages.
Mobile App Rating
- Incorporated an app rating request to participants to gather feedback for the App Stores.
- Upgraded environment to provide increased redundancy, improved scalability and better balance of user traffic across server environment for improved performance.