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How Extra Lifer PanickedNess Raised $2,000+ to Unlock the Extra Life Controller Platinum Reward

PanickedNess aka Nessa is in her fourth year as an Extra Lifer and fundraising for Samaritan Medical Center. She is over halfway to her goal of $4,000 raised in 2024, and we asked her some questions about her support of Extra Life, tips she has for those of you wondering how to get closer to your goal, and how she plans to keep up her momentum!

PanickedNess pictured at her streaming setup.

Q: How did you hear about Extra Life? 

Nessa: During Covid I was looking for a creative way to raise money for CMN. I was recommended via FB to look into Extralife. 

Q: When did you get started in fundraising? 

Nessa: I started with Extra Life in 2021. I immediately started an Extra Life team and started looking for other gamers at my work to see who would be interested to do this with me. The goal that first year was to focus on raising money for 2 months out of the year.

Q: You unlocked the 2024 controller incentive already! AMAZING! Do you have any tips for someone who is getting started with fundraising? 

Nessa: I always tell my team to have FUN first!  People will always be happy to hear what you are doing when they see the genuine smile and excitement you have about your fundraising. Celebrate every dollar amount you raise with your community around you, even one dollar, it all adds up! 

Platinum-level Extra Lifers can unlock the first-ever Extra Life controller by raising $2,000 USD for local member children’s hospitals.

See all of the 2024 Extra Life fundraising incentives at

Q: If you could share a tip/trick/best practice to a first-time Extra Lifer, what would it be? 

Nessa: I personally started with incentives that were between $1-$5. This was a great way to show my community what I was doing. Then I started to get creative and worked my way up to non traditional incentives like a Fantasy Hockey Team!

Q: What do you love most about fundraising for your local member children’s hospital? 

Nessa: I love that I can feel like I am making a positive impact on my community.  I recently got invited to be a part of my local Children’s Hospital Allocation Council, I am honored to help families get the funding they need to help during difficult times. 

Q: Why do you Extra Life? 

Nessa: I want to show gamers that their voice matters. I want any gamer that I meet to be proud of themselves. How awesome is it that we get to play games and raise money for charity? 

Q: Pineapple on your pizza Y or N? 

Nessa: 100% Yes!

Q: What game(s) are you playing right now? 

Nessa: Right now, I am playing Super Market Simulator with Crowd Control, heavy emphasis on the crowd having control. 

Q: Anything else you want to say?

Nessa: I am so proud of my team Half Best Friends! They have beat our goal from last year and they are continuing to raise money every day! Proud of you! 

Thanks, Nessa, for chatting with us! You can find Nessa aka PanickedNess on Twitch!

Sign up for Extra Life at or on Tiltify to change kids’ health to change the future for children treated in member children’s hospitals around the U.S. and Canada by playing games! Whether you’re into board games, video games, crafts, etc., there is a place for you at Extra Life!