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Fundraise on the go with the Extra Life Mobile App

What if I told you that you had the power to manage and share your Extra Life experience on the go? That this power was available to you and it was absolutely free? The Extra Life mobile app lets you fundraise and connect with others through SMS, social media, and email. You can check your fundraising progress all from the palm of your hand.

Download the app here: iPhone | Android

Manage the app on your phone or tablet!
This is what you’ll see when you open your app.If you click on fundraise to begin sharing your fundraising page with your community via SMS, email or via any social media app that you’ve set up on your phone.We particularly love that you can enable incentives in this app! Last year, Extra Lifers who enable incentives raised over 3x the amount of those who didn’t.

Learn more about the features of this app here.

The Extra Life mobile fundraising app puts fundraising at your fingertips! Feel free to click around on any other icons within the app. You’ll find them all to be very intuitive. If you encounter any bugs in the app, you can email

Don’t forget to sign up for Extra Life to help sick and injured kids in hospitals around the US and Canada by playing games!