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Upgrade Your Extra Life Streams with Crowd Control

Crowd Control is an interactive gaming tool that allows your community to actively participate in your game and possibly decide your gaming destiny! Enable the Crowd Control Twitch Extension, and users can exchange Twitch Bits for Coins that can be spent in the extension to help or harm your gameplay!

Created by the folks at Warp World, Crowd Control is enabled for Extra Life campaigns that were created on Tiltify. If you are new to Crowd Control, please visit Crowd Control Setup in their FAQs. After you install Crowd Control, create your Extra Life Tiltify campaign if you do not have an active campaign. Once created, navigate to your Campaign Dashboard, go to the Detail tab, and find your campaign ID.

Now that you have your Tiltify campaign ID, head over to Crowd Control’s Charity Settings. Enable streaming for charity, enter your Tiltify Campaign ID, and click “play for this charity.”

Now, you have connected Crowd Control to your Twitch stream! You can now use Crowd Control for you Extra Life fundraising, and your community gets to directly affect your gameplay! Remember to adjust the cost of all of the different ways your community can affect your game, and for more info on Crowd Control itself, make sure to check out their FAQ!