New Unlock Alert! Lifetime Achievement Challenge Coin
Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals is excited to announce a new initiative to recognize top fundraisers for Extra Life! The Lifetime Achievement challenge coin is awarded to Extra Lifers who have raised $10,000 USD or more through their participation in Extra Life. The purpose of this challenge coin is to honor and show appreciation for top fundraising Extra Lifers in a unique and memorable way.
Participants who raise a total of $10,000 USD or more for Extra Life during their lifetime will be eligible to unlock this special challenge coin. Unlike our current platinum incentives and giveaways, this coin recognizes all of a participant’s cumulative fundraising over several years; the funds do not have to be raised within a defined time period. Platinum registration is not required for eligibility for this incentive, and it is available to DonorDrive and Tiltify participants alike. (Note: We do not have the ability to calculate a combined fundraising total for participants who switch from DonorDrive to Tiltify, or vice versa.)
We know what you’re thinking. “How long will this be available?” We intend for this milestone to be a true lifetime incentive. It’s a goal that all participants can work toward for whatever amount of time it takes to complete. It can take several years to raise $10,000. This coin will be waiting to greet you whenever you hit that milestone!

Redemption for this unlock will be similar to those of our other incentives. When a registered participant surpasses $10,000 USD in fundraising, they will receive an email congratulating them on this achievement and inviting them to redeem their challenge coin. Redemption emails will begin to go out in May 2022 for participants who have already crossed this milestone and continue on a rolling basis for participants who reach the milestone at a later date. Former participants will receive redemption emails in July 2022, with an invitation to re-register for Extra Life.
Do you have questions? We have answers! Check out our FAQ or ping us in the @ExtraLife4Kids Discord.
Sign up for Extra Life on DonorDrive or Tiltify to change kids’ health to change the future for children treated in member children’s hospitals around the U.S. and Canada by playing games! Whether you’re into board games, video games, crafts, etc., there is a place for you at Extra Life!